Tag: Lent

  • Behold the Wood

    [Chorus] Behold, Behold the wood of the cross, On which on hung our salvation. O come, let us adore. [Chorus] [Verse 1] Unless a grain of wheat shall fall upon the ground and die, It shall remain but a single grain and not give life. [Chorus] [Verse 2] For there can be no greater love…

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  • 頌恩 435 至聖至真

    至聖至真可敬聖體, 生於童貞瑪利亞; 甘心受難自作犠牲, 終為吾人把命捨。 身受鞭苔,頭戴茨冠, 手足被釘於十字架。 心肋刺透,血水傾流, 沐我潤我深恩莫謝。 吁! 至甘飴的主耶穌! 祢的仁慈誠足驚訝, 祢生於童貞瑪利亞。

    Read More: 頌恩 435 至聖至真


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